Scholarship Notes & Updates

See me or email me @ rhine@usd367 if you have questions or issues with applications or links. 

See Local Scholarships to access a list of descriptions.

Class of 2025 Local Scholarship Information 

Welcome to the Local Scholarship page! 

Below are just a few items I'd like to share with you as we begin thinking about applying for local scholarships. 

  • Please do not begin completing local scholarship applications unless specifically told application windows are open. Most local applications need your transcript to be updated with your senior year first semester's grades. Therefore, you should not complete these applications until the beginning of the Spring 2025 semester.  

  • There are applications that are to be completed on various organization's websites, PDF fillable application forms and applications to be completed in Google Forms. Simply fill out the application in the form that comes up when you click on the title link. 

  • Please let me know if there are applications you cannot access or have any problems with. 

  • Letters of recommendation are required as part of the application for several local scholarships, as well as students’ personal data sheets/resumes. Advanced preparation is often helpful in getting applications done and submitted on time. 

  • When attaching documents to the forms, please name the documents as follows: LastName_FirstName_Document (for example Stout_Elizabeth_Resume, Stout_Elizabeth_Transcript, Stout_Elizabeth_Recommendation1, etc...)  

  • Please remember to check your email often as changes do occur and this is how I will communicate with you. 

Please feel free to call me at the school 913-755-2191 ext. 7421, e-mail me at Email Mrs. Stout-Rhine, or stop by. Leave me a voice mail if I am unavailable when you call. I will get back with you as soon as possible. I look forward to working with you in this capacity. 

Mrs. Stout-Rhine

OHS Local Scholarship Coordinator

OHS Local Scholarship 

Application Procedures

  1. Access the USD #367 web site at

  2. Select Osawatomie High School under the SCHOOLS dropdown, select Scholarship Notes & Updates under the PARENTS & STUDENTS dropdown. General scholarship information and updates will appear. Links to the monthly Scholarship Due Date calendar and a PDF list of local scholarships will appear at the top of this page as well.

  3. Scroll down to find the electronic list of LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS, which includes descriptions and links to applications, below the notes and updates.   

  4. Locate the scholarship for which you would like to apply. If an application is required, the title should be underlined, bold and will link to an application or organization web site. If the title is not underlined & bold, there is not an application available or a hard copy must be obtained from Mrs. Stout-Rhine or the organization noted in the description.

  5. Click on the scholarship title. 

  6. Applications may be in PDF fillable forms or Google Forms. Complete the application, moving from field to field by using the tab key or clicking on the field with the left mouse button on PDF fillable forms or completing the fields in the Google Form.

  7. Save, print and submit a hard copy of the completed PDF form to Mrs. Stout-Rhine or submit electronically via the Google Form. Do not electronically submit PDF forms.  

Applications requesting transcripts or GPA & class rank should be completed using information after the fall semester grades have been included. Do not use information prepared prior to January 2025. (There are a few exceptions due prior to the end of the first semester and mid-January administered by outside organizations.) 

Do not round your GPA on applications.

Check the calendar on the web site often. Periodically due dates may change.

Do not wait until the last minute to complete applications. Several require letters of recommendation and / or signatures from parents, administration, teachers, etc... Lack of planning on your part does not create an emergency for these individuals. Do not expect them to drop their normal responsibilities to write a letter or sign something for you at the last minute. 

Please do not leave applications on my desk. If I’m not available, take the application to the office and ask for them to put it in Mrs. Stout-Rhine’s mailbox. 

Hard copies of calendars will not be mailed. They will be e-mailed to all seniors’ school Gmail accounts and posted on the district web site. 

Contact me if you have any questions at 913-755-2191 ext. 7421 or

1200 Trojan Drive - Osawatomie, KS - 66064 - Phone: 913-755-2191 - Fax: (913) 755-2645 - Office Hours: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM