15U Baseball Rules
All games will be played by Cal Ripken Rules with the following exceptions :
Players must play in half of the team's games in order to be eligible for the tournament.
Coaches may only put players who are present in their scorebook. Coaches must be diligent in making sure they note players who have played in the game.
A pitcher may pitch 7 innings per calendar week (Sunday-Sunday), where 1 pitch = 1 inning.
Umpires will NOT be lenient on balks and illegal pitches. One warning per team (not per pitcher) will be given on the first balk/illegal pitch.
Once a pitcher is removed from the game, they will not be allowed to re-enter the game at the pitching position.
Coaches may not bat their roster.
A dropped third strike is a live ball in accordance with Official Baseball Rules.
Base Running
Base runners are allowed to lead off and steal bases, including home plate.
Courtesy runners are encouraged, for the pitcher and catcher only, and must be the player who made the last out.
Number of Defensive Players: 9
There is No Maximum runs per inning
Time Limit / End of Game
7 innings played, with a 1 hour and 45 minute time limit. for Double Headers, the first game will be 7 innings and the second game will be only 5 innings
No new inning shall begin with 5 minutes or less remaining in the 1:45 time limit.
If a regulation or complete game ends with the score tied, the game will be played until a winner is determined.
Mercy Rule: 15 runs after 3 innings / 10 runs after 4 innings
Playing Field
The diamond shall have 90 foot base lines.
The pitching distance shall be 60 feet, 6 inches.