Flag Football Rules
Teams must field a minimum of 4 players to start a game. A maximum of 5 is allowed on the field.
A mouthpiece must be worn at all times
Cleats are allowed, but no metal spikes
Flags must be positioned on the player's side of the body (left/right side) and such that the flag attachment at the belt is pointed outward. Jerseys/shirts must be tucked in at all times.
Unsportsmanlike conduct or play will not be tolerated (tackling, cheat shots, elbowing). Offensive language will not be tolerated. Officials have the right to determine unsportsmanlike play and offensive language and players can be ejected from the game
No tackling is allowed. Spinning is allowed, but players cannot leave their feet to avoid a defensive player (no diving)
Blocking is allowed per the following rule: An offensive player may present themselves in front of a defensive player with their arms bent, raised to chest level and with fists clenched. An offensive player's arms cannot extend out to the defensive player. The correct form may occur anywhere on the field. Physical contact is not allowed.
Game Clock & Scoring
Games are played with a running clock
K/1st/2nd grade: two 15-minute halves with a running clock
3rd & 4th grade: two 20-minute halves with a running clock
Time only stops at halftime, coach's timeout, or a referee timeout. Each team has one 60 second timeout and one 30 second timeout per half. Halftime is 5 minute
A touchdown is 6 points
Extra point is 1 point
Safety is 2 points
If the score is tied at the end of 40 minutes, teams move directly into overtime. A coin toss determines first possession in overtime. The first team to score win.
There will be a "safety zone" designated along the spectator's sidelines for the safety of the players, referees, and spectators.
Game balls will be checked before each game by the referee and that ball will be used for the entirety of the game. If anything is found inconsistent with the ball the other team's ball will be used during the game.
A coin toss determines first possession
There are no kickoffs
The offensive team takes possession of the ball at their 5 yard line and has 4 plays to cross midfield. Once they cross midfield they have 4 plays to score a touchdown. If the offensive team fails to cross midfield or score, possession of the ball changes and the opposition starts their possession from their 5 yard line
All possession changes, except interceptions, start on the offenses 5-yard line
Teams change sides after the first half of play and possession changes
After a ball is spotted a team has 30 seconds to snap the ball. Teams will receive one warning before a delay of game penalty is called.
The ball must be on the ground at the snap to set the play. An incomplete snap results in a dead ball
Only snaps between the legs are allowed - off to one side is not allowed
One player is allowed in motion at a time prior to the snap, the player may not be moving toward the line of scrimmage at the time of the snap
There are no fumbles. The ball is spotted where the ball hits the ground. Anytime the ball touches the ground it is dead.
The play is over when the ball carrier steps out of bounds, ball carriers' flag is off or pulled off, receivers' flag is off or pulled off, or the ball carriers' knee or hand hits the ground
Substitutions may be made on any dead ball
Games cannot end on a defensive penalty, unless the offense declines it
Rushing the Quarterback
Rushing the quarterback is not allowed at the K/1st/2nd grade level
Rushing the quarterback is allowed at the 3rd & 4th grade level, per the following rule: All players who rush the quarterback must be a minimum of seven yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped
Any number of players can rush the quarterback
Players not rushing the quarterback must defend at the line of scrimmage
Once the ball is handed off the seven yard rule is no longer in effect and all defenders may go behind the line of scrimmage
The quarterback may not run the ball. The quarterback can run to avoid the defender behind the line of scrimmage but may not run past the line of scrimmage even if the quarterback is being rushed. (Only pertains to 3rd & 4th grade level, where rushing the quarterback is permitted)
Only handoffs behind the line of scrimmage are permitted
Multiple handoffs are allowed
No laterals or pitches
No-run zones are 5 yards before the end zones and in the middle of the field, they are designated to avoid short yardage power running situations
The player that takes the handoff may throw from behind the line of scrimmage
The ball is spotted where the ball carrier's feet are when the flag is pulled, not where the ball is set down.
All passes must be forward and received beyond the line of scrimmage
Shovel passes are allowed, but must be received beyond the line of scrimmage
The quarterback has a 7 second “pass clock”. If a pass is not thrown within the 7 seconds the play is dead, there is a loss of down and the ball is returned to the line of scrimmage
Once the ball is handed off the 7 second rule is not in effect
Interceptions may be returned. Possession of the ball starts at the point of the dead ball
All players are eligible to receive passes A player must have at least one foot inbounds when making a reception
Officials will call penalties
All penalties will be assessed from the line of scrimmage
Referees determine incidental contacts that may result from normal run of play
Only the coach may ask the referee questions about rule clarifications
Players and coaches cannot question judgment calls
Defensive Penalties
Offside: 10 yards and first down
Interference:10 yards and first down (holding, blocking, etc.)
Illegal contact: 10 yards and first down
Illegal flag pull: 10 yards and first down (before player has the ball)
Illegal rushing: 10 yards and first down (rushing inside the 7 yard line marker)
Unsportsmanlike conduct: 10 yards and first down
Within 10 yards of the goal, ball is placed a the distance to the goal
Offense Penalties
Illegal motion: 10 yards and loss of down (false start, more than one person moving)
Illegal forward pass: 10 yards and loss of down (pass received behind line of scrimmage)
Offensive pass interference: 10 yards and loss of down (pushing off, pick play)
Flag guarding: 10 yards and loss of down
Delay of game” 10 yards and loss of down AND clock stops
Unsportsmanlike conduct: 10 yards and loss of down