TSF - Trojan Soccer Fields, behind Trojan Elementary School
1901 Parker Avenue, Osawatomie, KS 66064
Sports played here: Spring Soccer
To see the availability or scheduling for each field, click the button below.
KEC - Karl E. Cole Complex
900 12th Street, Osawatomie, KS 66064
Sports played here: Baseball, Softball, T-Ball
Flag Football games are held on the grassed areas of Field 1
To see the availability or scheduling for each field, batting cages, and concession building click the button below.
Private parties can be booked to include the use of the central picnic area, plus access to the Concessions building and bathrooms.
OMS - Gym inside Osawatomie Middle School, 428 W Pacific Avenue, Osawatomie
MAC - Mac Steele Gym inside Osawatomie High School, 1200 Trojan Drive, Osawatomie
RED - Red Gym inside Osawatomie High School, 1200 Trojan Drive, Osawatomie
TES - Gym inside Trojan Elementary School, 1901 Parker Avenue, Osawatomie
Sports typically played here: Basketball and Volleyball
To see the availability or scheduling for each gym click the following button --->
LDF - Lynn Dickey Field, beside Osawatomie High School
1200 Trojan Drive, Osawatomie
Sports played here: Tackle Football
AUD- Gym inside Osawatomie City Auditorium, 439 Main Street, Osawatomie This facility needs to be booked through the City offices. Call 913-755-